The name of the company is Vista Print and their website is www.vistaprint.com and it's worth taking a look at if you are in need of printing your own business cards. Vista also prints other products like stationary and envelopes.
By simply entering your contact information you can build a business card with Vista Print's online tools within about 60 seconds. The first 250 business cards are FREE and you only pay $5.25 for shipping. Not bad if you're starting your own little business or just need another solution for your business card supplier. If you need your job rushed, they can do a 3 day turnaround. From my experience with printers - 3 days is quick.
As you begin to finalize your transaction and sneak off the site with 250 FREE cards Vista Print throws all of these other items at you that may want to add to your order, and since you've entered all of your contact information, they personalize each item and you see how they would look with your name on them - things like notepads, stationary etc.
It may sound crazy, but it didn't bother me a bit to have to go through what might seem like a gratuitous add on sale display to someone else. To me it was like I was shopping for office supplies... and who doesn't like shopping for office supplies? Show me someone who doesn't like Staples or Office Max and I'll show you someone that isn't actually ALIVE.
Vista Print may have a solution for you. Check it out.