Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Business Podcasts
Podcasts are like recording television programs to TiVo... except that they are automatically recorded and posted to a website for you to download when you want them. Even better, you can use a subscription service like iTunes and even the downloading can be automatic.
The best part? You get to listen to your content when and where you want. Listen on your desktop, laptop or sync your MP3 Player and take the content anywhere you want to go.
Two of my favorite business podcasts are...
1. Buzz Out Loud - Great podcast on technology and what's happening in the business technology world. Always informative and always fun.
2. Meet the Press - That's right, Meet the Press. If you know what's happening in politics then you'll have a better perspective about what's happening in business.
There are great podcasts on a variety of topics that can keep you informed on current business issues and especially technology issues. Best source in my book - check out iTunes.
Sunday, September 03, 2006
The Case for Smart Phones
In my sales technology seminars I focus a major portion of my presentation on making the case for owning a smart phone as opposed to a regular mobile phone.
The essence is on being more efficient as a sales professional and using a smart phone to help you do it. If you're doing all the right things in selling, and you become more efficient, you should close more sales. Pretty logical.
The Treo is only one example of a smart phone. There are different models of the Treo and there are many other manufacturers. BlackBerry is an example. The fact is that for business professionals, especially sales professionals having all of the information that a smart phone instantly provides is a huge advantage if used for the right purposes. Here's a few great ways to maximize your efficiency with a smart phone:
1. A smart phone is like having a computer in the palm (no endorsement here) of your hand only better. First of all, it powers on INSTANTLY and off INSTANTLY. There is no "boot up" process with a mobile phone. Like a computer it can run contact programs like Outlook along with other programs such as Word, Excel and PowerPoint. It really is a computer in the palm (no endorsement here) of your hand.
2. With the access provided by your mobile carrier your phone is also connected to send and receive email. A realtor I met in Chicago told me about a sale she made that paid her $15,500 in commission. How did she do it? She did what she normally does, got the listing, provided great service and made the sale. How did she get the listing? She answered an email within seconds on her smart phone. When the client received an instant response, they gave the listing to her just as quickly. If she had checked her email the next day, or a few days later, someone else would have got the listing because it was a quick move.
3. Back to number one... Because you have Word or similar programs on your smart phone you can instantly email clients sales related documents. Marketing pieces or contracts can be on clients computer in minutes.
4. Web access is possible on every smart phone out there. The key is to use it to be efficient and not just screw around. Driving directions would be a great example of productive usage.
5. Some devices have all the bells and whistles and I believe that the same rules of efficiency apply. If you have a digital camera or a video camera on your phone use it for business to get more done.
In a few years one out of every four phones in America will be a smart phone and sales professionals should be carrying the majority of them.