It had to happen - a group has created a website dedicated to those who have become addicted to their BlackBerry devices... Seriously.
I registered.
Not that I'm an addict, I've actually trained myself not to wear my phone... most of the time it's clipped to my briefcase. So what kind of content would you expect to see on a site dedicated to BlackBerry addicts? More than you might expect. I expected a comedic approach with little else. Instead I found a fun comedic approach with serious content and very useful information.
One of the best articles on the front page came from the Wall Street Journal and deals with parents using BlackBerrys when they should be spending time with their children.
Click Here for the article which was written by Katherine Rosman.
Also on the site, the 13 Steps to beating the CrackBerry habit... here they are:
1. Admit we were powerless over our CrackBerries
2. Admit to the universe, to ourselves, and to another human being the exact nature of our CrackBerry addiction
3. We must come to believe that only the greater power of wireless-lessness can restore us to sanity.
4. We must make a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the power of unconnectedness and eschew knowing if someone is mailing us at this very minute.
5. Make a searching and fearless moral inventory of our CrackBerry use
6. Make a list of all persons we have harmed through our rudeness, inconsideration and pretentious self-involvement, and make amends to them all.
7. Turn off the CrackBerry. Now.
8. Realize that you are not the center of the universe.
9. Set limits on BlackBerry use.
10. Turn off the BlackBerry during all meetings, classes, presentations, weddings and funerals.
11. Know that the world actually functioned before BlackBerries and that people managed to survive with ancient tools like phones and desktop computers.
12. Having fulfilled these steps know that you control the CrackBerry.
13. Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, carry this message to all CrackBerry addicts, and to practice these principles in all our affairs.
Great site. Nice graphics and solid content. CrackBerry was the word of the year in 2006 (who has that thrilling job), and now it has it's own website. Well deserved. Check this site out... even if you carry a Treo!