Saturday, June 23, 2007

Device Etiquette

I really like Judith Kallos and her writing on etiquette. Occasionally, with her permission, I repost her articles. Here is something she posted on June 20th on "Blackberry Etiquette" where she reminds us, etiquette is the same no matter which mobile technology we’re using.

Thanks Judith!


Blackberry Etiquette

“Is Blackberry Etiquette any different than E-mail Etiquette? Nope. However, for some reason I get e-mails daily asking about Blackberry Etiquette as though by virtue of the device, courtesy doesn't apply. Mainly the checking and responding to e-mails while in a meeting.

If you think about it, Etiquette in general is just a way to behave when taking into consideration how your actions (or lack thereof) could have an affect on others. Technology use, whether it be e-mail, Blackberrys, IMs or even cell phones does not mean you do what you want, how you want or when you want without consideration for proper practices and for others. Sadly, all too many think that with technology anything goes. Wrong.

Regardless of what tool you are using, you simply need to be aware of how to use it properly with consideration for others. This means not answering e-mails on your Blackberry when in a meeting. Or talking loudly on your cell phone where others are privy to your conversation whether they like it or not (movies, restaurants, etc.). Or sending/forwarding e-mails exposing all your contact's addresses to strangers.

To hide behind technology as an excuse to not be courteous because the other side isn't there for you to be accountable to, is self-serving at best. To reply to e-mails on your Blackberry while in a meeting clearly reflects your lack of business savvy and professionalism. Your full attention should be on the meeting.

Courtesy and perception go hand in hand. Without courtesy, the perceptions you leave in your wake will tell people exactly what they need to know about you -- and it probably won't be positive.”

Check out Judith's Tech Etiquette Blog at

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