1. Smart Phone - Yes this implies your other phone is dumb. If you can't retrieve email from multiple accounts and hit the web for critical information you need a new phone! A smart phone should feel like a little computer in your hand that doesn't have to be booted up an powered down. This includes your calendar, contacts, tasks and various notes. Get this first!
2. iPod - This device may be the coolest piece of technology you ever own. There are multiple models that serve multiple purposes. I own three and use two heavily. The other one was swiped by my middle son (who's getting one for Christmas so I can get my Nano back.)
The iPod is more than just a music player. I use my iPod to listen to daily podcasts on business, finance and politics. No matter what industry you're in... there's a podcast that can help you become more informed and more proficient at what you do. In addition, my entire personal development library is housed on my 30 gig video iPod. I can listen to the icon's of personal development for days without hearing the same message twice. If you don't have one - get one!
3. Headset - I just wrote an article on a new wireless headset (the Samsung WEP200 that I am still impressed with) and am recommending any type of headset for any phone that you use on a daily basis. Work, mobile and even your home phone. See how much freedom you can feel by removing the handset from the side of your head! Who can you trust? Plantronics is the most trusted name in headsets. Go with them and you won't get ripped off.
4. Small Digital Camera - Snapping pictures and throwing up pictures on your website, blog or just having them on your computer is a worthwhile thing.
5. High Capacity Storage Device - If you've ever lost your data then you know how painful an episode it can be... BACK UP YOUR DATA. There are devices the size of a deck of cards that can back up your entire computer. Get one and use it weekly.
Well that's five things. Number five may not be cool but it is essential. Merry Christmas!
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