Seriously. If you can't refrain for more than 10 minutes from continually grabbing your Treo and checking your email account (I have two email accounts on my BlackBerry - so I have an excuse), checking for missed calls or seeing who sent you the last text message then you've got serious focus challenges.
In an effort to help resolve this matter I offer this advice - first and foremost, refrain from CETing during important sales activities, such as initial contact, presentation and final closing opportunities. Don't grab that device and even think of looking at it when you should be paying attention to a client.
I also recommend that you refrain from CETing at the dinner table, in church or while ordering your Tall, Decaf Mochachino. There are so many things to do on your smart phone that you might forget that the world continues to spin while your thumbs are moving a mile a minute. If you're in line anywhere, don't CET without occasionally looking up.
Snap out of it! Business and life will happen without you weighing in on every issue and event so chill out. As my mentor Jim Rohn says "where ever you are - be there."
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