She was actually the second person in line for the recent release of the iPhone. This first person wouldn't let me take his picture. Whack-job. He was a nice enough guy, talked to me why he was willing to camp out and be first in line - just didn't want his picture taken. (Maybe he's wanted by the law.)
This woman was from Maine and was visiting Phoenix in some work capacity which I don't recall all of the specifics. Her mother was number three in line, but only as moral support, the mom wasn't going to buy the iPhone. She obviously didn't think about getting a few and posting them on eBay!
There were plenty of people staying busy in the line that

This was the last guy in line and he was a lot more talkative, yet I don't recall his name either! I need to work on this reporting thing. I'd say when this photo was taken there were less than 100

You can tell he was having fun, all alone, ready to wait nine hours in line for the iPhone. When is the last time a non-gaming tech product caused such anticipation? The iPhone will be big and Apple, Inc will reap big rewards for the rest of the year.
What I want to know, is if it's worth the wait?
GC - I'd say wait and hold on to your BlackBerry just a little longer. Wait for the 30 GIG phone then pull the trigger.
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